Frequently Asked Questions About Becoming a Sponsor

Why should I donate?
The Mifflinburg Christkindl Market could not continue to operate with the income generated by the Market alone. We depend on generous sponsors to help make the Market a success for Mifflinburg and the entire area.

How much should I donate?
Mifflinburg Christkindl Market makes a significant impact on Mifflinburg and the surrounding area, and while there is no suggested amount for any person. business, organization or corporation, we do have different levels of sponsorships available. Any amount makes a difference.

What types of annual sponsorships are available?
There are four types:

  • Labor Donations
  • Material Donations
  • Monetary Donations
  • Technical Assistance

Can I remain anonymous?
We would most certainly honor your request by just listing "A Friend of Christkindl", or you may choose to have it listed in "honor" or "memory" of someone.

Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes, your donation is tax deductible. We are a 501c3, non-profit corporation.

Can't you get grants from local and state agencies?
We apply and receive several grants each year and continue to seek new grant money that may be available.

Is the event supported by the Borough?
Mifflinburg Borough and its employees are very supportive of the Christkindl Market. Each year they graciously supply several hundred hours of time setting up and tearing down the Market.

How does the Market help local businesses and organizations?
The Market provides an immediate increase in sales to many businesses such as restaurants, gas stations and gift shops, and many others see more of a long-term effect from the visitors. We encourage local organizations such as school and church groups, clubs, non-profits, etc., to participate in the Market.

What is 'long-term effect'?
Christkindl market has been drawing 10,000 - 15,000 visitors to the Mifflinburg Area during the weekend of the Market.

Visitors generate revenue that benefits the entire town by:

  • Returning throughout the year to shop at our local businesses and visit our many historic buildings
  • Coming back to check out real estate values, schools or activities

How much of the income goes to the Christkindl employees?
None of it. We have no employees. All of the Christkindl Market of Mifflinburg, Inc. Board of Directors, committee members and all others who help in any way planning or organizing the Market are volunteers.

Where does the money go?
All money received from donations, sponsors or grants goes toward that year's Market. Any income, after expenses, goes back into the Christkindl Market of Mifflinburg, Inc. treasury to be used to start the next year's Market. Some of the major expenses are advertising, barn rentals, bus rentals, entertainment and souvenir items. As excess funds become available, they will be donated to other community causes.

What else can I do? How else can I help?
We are always looking for volunteers. Throughout the year tasks and projects occur for preparation of the next year's Market. It is not necessary to attend monthly Committee meetings. If you are "handy", have any special skills, or simply have some time to give, please contact us or visit the Become a Volunteer page on our website.

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